Rabu, 30 November 2016


Posted by Kirana on 09.16 with No comments
I'm not always think about You, but I've been thinking about You. A lot.
I always wonder;
What do You think about me?
What do You expect from me?
What kind of people do You want me to be?
If I fail to fulfill Your expectation, will You be mad?
Will You punish me if I fail to be someone You want me to be?

Please, can You give me a clue?

Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Something About Seven

Posted by Kirana on 23.09 with No comments
It's November and it has been raining in my little town. I always love rainy days, because it's not as hot as usual and it's a bit chilly, so I like it. According to Accuweather, it's 28°C today. Not too hot but not too cold. So I was planning on continue my book-reading. But some questions suddenly popped out of nowhere on my mind.

What's with seven?
Why it has to be seven?

That's why here I am, pausing my book-reading and decided to write this entry accompanied by a cup of hot coffee on a rainy Saturday night. Lovely!


Seven is the grade I was in when I fell in love with a boy for the first time, It was my first year of junior high school when I knew this boy. I hadn't even known about love at that time. But all I knew, I was sad when he said he had a crush but that person wasn't me. "Ah, maybe this what people called love." That was all I could think about that time.
And seven years later, when I was a sophomore, I fell in love again. I fell in love with my college friend. He is nice, we talked a lot, we could talk about anything, I felt extremely happy whenever I saw him or when he texted me, he made me feel the "you have butterflies in your stomach" that people saying when they fell in love, I started to like him and craved more than being his friend, but he loved someone else. That's all. I was sad but I was fine. "Maybe it's just not him." It was all I could think about. And I moved on. Really? :v
Seven is my age when I found my first best friends. We played a lot together, go to school and went home together everyday for almost five years. We were still hanging out together until grade seven, but after that we drifted apart because we attended the different school. And after that, we lost contact.
Seven years later, I met that old best friend! We met at my high school's event. Surprisingly, we become fandom buddies up until now xD
Seven is the number of the years I spent with another best friend when I was in second year of high school. I could say that we were really good friend. She was more like a family member to me back then. But after seven years we had been friends, we were not that close anymore. Something happened. Even though we had never discussed about it, somehow I knew something was happening between us. We rarely talked and I could feel that the distance between us was getting wider. But thankfully, we're getting better right now.
Lastly, my favorite pairing was "broke up" after seven years they had been paired!lol


Sometimes I think it's funny, all these seven thingy. It's like a life cycle for me. And when I remember about seven or something that happens only once in seven years is the Halley Comet. But the funnier is never once in my lifetime I witnessed the Halley Comet itself. lol
Now that I've meet another good friends, how about lover?
Seriously. You know... Honestly, I will never mind if I have to wait for another seven years! xD
So I think I will just wait for my halley-boy patiently and behave until I meet him, right?

Bonus meme:

Dear boys, I think it applies to quiet girls who loves spending time reading a book too. And I think it's nice if we could understand each other. 

Oops, sorry no proof read available :p

Senin, 07 November 2016

Mendadak Autumn

Posted by Kirana on 10.06 with No comments
Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November.

Lima bulan sudah blog ini saya telantarkan. Sering-sering menulis di blog ini sepertinya hanyalah wacana. Menulis setidaknya satu postingan dalam satu bulan hanyalah wacana. Kemalasan saya dan tidak adanya hal menarik yang menurut saya bisa diceritakan menjadi penyebab utamanya. Lalu tiba-tiba... Jeng jeeeeeng.... Kita sudah ada di penghujung akhir tahun 2016. Mind you, we only have two months left for 2016. Tapi gak, saya gak mau dan belum mau bahas tentang akhir taun. Ngomong soal resolusi dan blablabla, tahun ini aku sudah mencapai blablabla dan target selanjutnya blablabla... Belum saatnya! Masih ada dua bulan lagi dan siapa tau harapan dan cita-cita kamu yang belum terlaksana akan dapat terlaksana dalam waktu dua bulan ini. Iya khaaan~ Lebih baik positif thinking kaya gini, ya gak? alibi

Btw, karena ini bulan November, saya jadi ingat autumn. Negara-negara four season lagi masuk musim gugur sekarang. Ya dari autumn mau ke winter lah ya. Terus jadi kebayang daun-daun maple yang berubah warna dan berjatuhan gitu. Cantik!

Musim gugur di Sapporo, Jepang

Walaupun saya belum pernah pergi ke four season country dan mengalami sendiri yang namanya musim gugur, tapi kebayang gimana suasananya. Bayangin kita lagi jalan-jalan di taman yang semua warna daun pohonnya mulai berubah yang tadinya hijau jadi kuning dan orange. Udara juga sejuk dan gak sedingin musim salju. Waaaaa pasti asik!

Warnanya bagus ya

Atau sekedar baca buku di bawah pepohonan yang rindang itu sambil menikanti suasana musim gugur yang tenang juga asik. Apalagi kalo ditambah secangkir teh hangat. Heaven!

Daun-daun maple berguguran

Andaikan Indonesia juga punya musim gugur yaaaa hahaha.... Yeeee yang ada mah musim meranggas kels... Ya tapi walau bagaimana pun, kita harus tetap cinta Indonesia yaaa teman-teman. Negara kita sendiri loh, kalo bukan kita, lalu siapa lagi yang akan cinta? All hail tropical country!

Lastly, foto-foto di atas adalah hasil jepretan teman saya di Twitter (@taiki_indonesia) yang berdomisili di Sapporo, Jepang. Dia orang Jepang tapi pernah tinggal di Indonesia dan bisa bahasa Indonesia. Dia hobi fotografi and he has taken so many good photos. Please check out his Twitter account and kindly greet him! Ps. Dia orangnya baek loh :v 
Tuh, orang Jepang aja suka sama Indonesia. Masa kita nggak? :v
Makasih ya Bang Taiki, udah dipinjemin foto-fotonya~
